Saturday, August 18, 2012

Nyssa's Hobbit Hole: Toxic Friendships/Relationships

Nyssa's Hobbit Hole: Toxic Friendships/Relationships

Toxic Friendships/Relationships

I've noticed quite a bit of hits from keywords referring to abuse.? This is, unfortunately, a common problem, and people need to find help.? There are also many hits from keywords referring to narcissistic or borderline personality disorders, disorders which often lead to abusive behaviors.? So I will make a series of posts from my webpage on abuse, which gathers together links I have found most helpful.? I have them arranged by category.? This first part is on the general topic of abuse.? The last section of the webpage, my own personal abuse stories, has already been posted here.
Toxic Friendships/Relationships?
How to Protect your Health Against Toxic Behavior (Especially good if the mistreatment you're suffering is coming not from a spouse, but from someone else you have to have contact with. ?It gives ways to forgive such treatment and set boundaries. ?In the comments, you can also find advice on how not to be toxic yourself. ?There is some New Agey stuff in the article and the comments, but most of the advice applies no matter what religion you are.)?


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