Friday, June 22, 2012

Welcome Our New Health and Wellness Coach

Welcome Our New Health and Wellness Coach

Welcome Matt Elley to the SAHM Team!

Hey Stay at Home Mums and Dads. If you have made your way to the STAY AT HOME MUM site I?m sure you are already aware of the fantastic money and time saving tips and great new ideas that can be implemented in your home. ?Not to mention all the convenient recipes and funny stories and experience shared by other mums.

My name is Matt Elley and I am Stay at Homes Mums official Health and Wellness Coach. I have been in the health and fitness industry since 2005 and have a passion for helping people achieve life changing results through an active lifestyle and natural nutritious foods. I am a highly qualified and extremely motivated Personal Trainer and for the past 10 years have made health and fitness my top priority,

My partner Milla and I have recently become proud happy parents of our first child, Avira, who is 11 weeks old today. She is so beautiful and absolutely perfect in every way. It has been the most amazing experience and I have found a deeper love than I ever thought possible.

I was blown away by the strength Milla showed throughout the pregnancy. I have heard stories of wives turning into an intolerant, crazy, green eyed monster. But apart from the odd teary moment, a mild case of baby brain (that still hasn?t ended) and one or two late night sugar binges, you wouldn?t even know she was pregnant. ?Since our little angel Avira arrived I am so happy to have seen what an amazing mum Milla has become already.

Over the past few months Milla and I have had to adapt to living on a single wage. We are realising firsthand the importance of budgeting and saving a few dollars where we can. Time is the other thing we are conscious about managing since Milla has taken on her new full time stay at home roll. Throughout my years in Personal Training I have worked with many Mums up to the arrival of their little one and then guided them back to being fighting fit afterwards and I have learned lots of invaluable tips and tricks along the way?. And I am going to share them all with you.

My aim is to educate on the importance of a healthy food plan aimed not at weight loss but to give mum and bub (and the whole family) optimal nutrition for the very best start to life. This can also lead to increased energy, regulating moods, a strong immune system and if you desire a few less KG?s. Preparation is the key to success so if you can get in the routine of preparing your meals and snacks in advance it makes it far easier to stay on track and ensure your all getting what your body requires. This can also save a lot of time and money. (the two things we all want to spend more of on our children)

Regular exercise is another important element that busy stay at home mums should try to factor into their day. Exercise has just as many mental and emotional benefits as it does physical ones. My first tip is to find something that interests you and do it with a friend or in a group. It is totally fine to start small, you just need to start. Walking, swimming, yoga, palates or a gym class. ?Even the small 10 minute gaps you might find in between feeds, nappy changing, cooking etc. can be put to use with a few simple exercises to speed up your metabolism, strengthen your pelvic floor and release good hormones that de-stress and boost your energy levels.

I?m so excited to work with STAY AT HOME MUM to bring you lots of relevant health and wellness tips and general advice to help mum and bub both look and feel amazing and live happy, healthy lives. SAHM and I will be here to support and guide you through every step of the way.

Yours in health,

Matt Elley

Matt Elley is Stay at Home Mum?s official Fitness, Nutrition and Lifestyle expert. Chat with Matt weekly at Thursday nights from 7:30. Matt also runs his own fitness company called ?KeenAz fitness?, find them at?

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