Friday, October 12, 2012

Necessity of Online Advertising! | StAug News


Necessity of Online Advertising!


We have spoken about tagging as well as brand monitoring ? two techniques that are necessary in order to be a social media ?guru? and introduce your company in the right way to the rest of the world. But there are other very important issues that each and every business must learn in order to market their products and their brand to the globe. One of these monumental necessities is the utilization of online advertising. A technique that the Be First Social Media team knows all about.


To keep it simple, online advertising is a form of promotion that engages the Internet and the World Wide Web to deliver marketing messages as well as visual stimulations in order to attract clients and build a customer base. There are many avenues of online advertising including, ads on search engines (AKA the ?result? list on Google when placing in a key word to search for); as well as banner ads, blogs, classified ads online, rich media ads, email marketing pop-ups, and more.


This particular aspect of marketing your brand name and product goes hand-in-hand with brand monitoring, and the Be First Social Media team that stands behind your business monitoring internet content as it relates to your brand, your competitor?s product, or your partners.


Now we all know about Facebook and their ?changes? that have been made in recent months, and that they are counting on advertising dollars to increase their profits. Of course, that shouldn?t be difficult, considering the fact that all businesses need Facebook as well as other social media channels in order to reach that mass audience that?s interested in your product and brand. In fact, with Facebook, you?re speaking about millions of people who discuss everything from the latest gadget to music, movies, politics, books, clothing ? and so on and so on. They are even more of a research tool now than Amazon is ? even though Amazon is actually the seller of these product categories.


But as far as advertising is concerned, Facebook is the ?gold mine? above everyone else. Although there are other social media channels that many businesses need and should employ (i.e., Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, etc.) Facebook has millions of users with millions of ?friends? where, with just one ?good? word, YOUR company?s brand can increase in minutes.


All businesses are already aware that we are living in an interactive world. A company?s Facebook page is absolutely essential in order to attract and keep visitors coming back again and again. The blogs, the information, the videos linked on YouTube ? all of these have to be updated 24/7 and monitored by the best social media team in order to keep track of your progress as well as keeping track of your competitors out there to see what is working or not working for them.


And even though we are certainly looking for education, knowledge and the latest information regarding a product, ?we, the people? are also looking for pure and utter entertainment. What that means is videos, blogs, colorful advertising, brand names that stick in the mind of everyone ? even having celebrities as part of advertising campaigns, or holding events and raffles that get people involved. Savvy, unique social media teams, such as Be First Media Group?s, know how to create an online advertising campaign that can not be beat.


We?re also talking about apps. Think about this realm as well. More and more people are using mobile advertising, seeing as that they are always traveling and cell phones are basically glued to people?s hands at all times during the day. The mobile web has exploded just like the internet exploded decades ago. And when mobile phones are surfing the web, the advertisements that appear are necessary to increase your brand! This includes location-based ads that are continuously growing in popularity. With GPS tracking systems that allow people to call up the ?it? place they want to go to Smartphone information and reviews about local restaurants and local malls ? advertising is also a huge necessity for the local retailers and businesses that need to place their brand logo and name in front of these cellular clients.


Do we watch TV? Sure we do, but not NEARLY as much as we are looking at computers, phones, Blackberries, etc., etc.. In fact, with places like Netflix, more and more people are getting their streaming television and/or movies on that site instead of watching TV or heading into their local video store after waiting months to see the release. The advertising locations for all businesses are available in all these realms ? especially the large sites that are touting television, celebrity updates, and movies. Here we are speaking about pop-up ads that can appear in everything from the entertainment world all the way to Google Maps, which has added their own pop-up advertising.


With Be First Media Group?s offering full services that include Content Marketing with a focus on content and social marketing through their own social media network and web partnerships, they also work intelligently and skillfully as an online advertising agency. Being a web and content developer, they provide direction when it comes to advertising and are able to deliver to the internet ads for your brand and company that truly are visually stimulating, which means readers will remember, head to the site, and tell their friends ? which is exactly what you want to increase ROI.


And online advertising does not have to deal with the same limits as other forms of advertising ? such as geography or time. Web advertising is available to all locations and to all time zones; there is literally nothing standing in the way of a business in Idaho being found, visited, and have their products purchased and ?talked about? by people in Sydney, Australia. That is the true beauty of online advertising and must be utilized in this economy.


The growth of this particular medium attracts the attention of advertisers and has become a FAR more productive source to bring your brand and information to consumers. So as you head forth down the road of building your business, remember that the Be First Media Group ?is here to make sure that your online advertising is among the ?best of the best!?


For more information, head to:

Be First Media Group



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