Saturday, July 7, 2012

Question about ages and placements? - Forums

Ok this is geared for the BTDT but anyone please feel free to ring in if you have knowledge or a thought on this topic.
Our age group that is ideal for our family (we are great with this age group) is Newborn to 4 yrs old.
We have the baby (got him at 2 days old, he went home at 8 1/2 m and then back at 11 m) besides him we are now full with:
1 yr old FS
9 yr old FS
14 yr old FD
and now as of yesterday
14 yr old FD.
So I was in CPS and see a brand new baby (think he was probably 6 to 8 wks old) and a foster child. We have told CW's our prefered age group.
So are we not getting the littles because we are willing to take the bigs?
Just because we prefer littles, I know that doesnt mean we will get them but dagnabit I feel kinda persnickety about it now. Dont get me wrong....we are in this to help kids and right now the kids that need us are here but you know what? That baby needed too and we could have been there for him.
Just mostly rambling and I'm thinking your probably wondering "now what the heck is she really wanting to"

Older kids (specially teens) are SO hard to place! We are a county with less than 10 homes so many have to be placed out of town/county. I just cant help but wonder now that so many CW's know we WILL take in older kids and teens....will we ever get babies again?
Baby FS's bio mom is PG. We want to be that childs resource should that child need help. I'm just wondering what you all might think.


shea weber greystone sidney crosby at the drive in alternative minimum tax modeselektor gran torino

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