Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Best Practices for Mobile Retail Websites - Small Business ...

With the growing popularity of mobile devices equipped with instant internet access, retailers need to adapt to keep up. Making your retail site mobile-accessible allows you to reach millions of potential customers whose primary means of accessing the internet is through their mobile devices. If your site?isn?t?mobile-ready, you could be missing out on potential customers and sales.

There are a number of methods for creating a mobile website. Which option is right for you depends upon your retail specific needs, how much you?re willing to spend, and how well you avoid potential pitfalls.

Mobile Website Options

Knowing your needs, especially for browsing and purchasing, can help you determine which development option is best for you.

  • What are the specific needs of your retail site? Some sites can be converted to be mobile-friendly, depending on their size and how they are built.
  • How much are you willing to spend? Some sites, even though they function well on a desktop computer, don?t lend themselves to being converted to mobile. In that case, you may want to outsource the work to a reputable web design company with experience in building and optimizing product heavy mobile sites.

Ease of Use

You want your mobile site to be easy to use, both for you and for your customers. Whether your mobile site simply offers the bare essentials about your company or provides a plethora of products available for immediate purchase, it has to be easy to navigate.

  • Customers prefer to browse products that are displayed catalog style. If your mobile site looks cluttered or disorganized, this will reduce its effectiveness as a marketing strategy.
  • Near field communications (NFC) technology makes it easier than ever for customers to make purchases from mobile retailers. Consider adding this feature to your mobile site.

Potential Pitfalls

Having a mobile site is a great way to reach new customers and advertise your product, but if not executed properly it can also be detrimental to your business. High-speed wireless internet access has accustomed users to fast page load times. If your mobile site takes more than 3 seconds to load, potential customers will ?surf? somewhere else.

  • Test your mobile site on a variety of devices to ensure that it is compatible with various platforms and both older and newer phones. Nothing drives a customer away faster than glitches, broken links, and failed code.
  • Beware of object and java script, which drains both bandwidth and batteries and can interfere with customers? ability to receive calls while browsing.

Don?t forget to set up analytics software for your mobile site. Analytics software helps you optimize your site for turning high traffic into effective purchases.

Whether you develop your mobile site with a plugin, downloadable tool, conversion software, or outside web design company, it can directly increase your business? online presence and sales. Consider your site?s needs and your company?s budget before deciding on an option. No matter what option you choose, be sure that your site is easy for customers to use and navigate.

Megan Webb-Morgan is a web content writer for Resource Nation. She writes about small business, focusing on topics such as call center software and small business loans.?


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Report shows sorry state of South Africa's prisons

A study has shown that Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town, for example, has a 90% risk of transmission of TB. (Sydelle Willow Smith)

A recent report by the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services (Jics) ? the government-appointed oversight body ? identified R71-million in wasteful expenditure and R215-million in irregular expenditure. There also appears to be confusion over how many prisons exist in South Africa. According to the department's annual report, there are 243 correctional centres, but according to the report there are 236. The department has not explained the discrepancy.

About 17% of assaults in prison are committed by warders on inmates. The report said: "Inmates were assaulted with batons or shock-shields used in conjunction with water. Some are placed in single cells for days without food or basic amenities and some are transferred subsequently to avoid these cases coming under [the] scrutiny of the SAPS."

From 71 complaints against officials by inmates for assault, only one saw disciplinary action taken against the official. Last year the department owed R1.3-billion in damages to prisoners and former inmates, which included R976-million for "bodily injury/assault" and R4.5-million for rape.

According to Emily Keehn, prisons expert at the Sonke Gender Justice Network, this is worrying becuase there is no policy on the prevention of sexual violence in prisons.

"The department is paying inmates out millions in damages for rape but it is not taking proactive measures to prevent it from occurring," said Keehn.

Unnatural deaths
There were 47 unnatural deaths in prisons last year, which included 12 cases of murder, four of which were as a result of violence by warders on inmates.

For 16 cases, the department was not able to supply the cause of the deaths because it did not have the post-mortem reports.

Suicide is still the primary cause of unnatural deaths in prisons.

"This is interesting when you compare it to the mental illness indicator which says that 98% of inmates who have requested mental health assistance have been treated," said Clare Ballard, legal researcher at the University of the Western Cape Law Clinic.

"If suicide is the major cause of unnatural deaths then you have to question the quality of this treatment," she said.

Lack of personnel
At least 32% of prisons do not have a doctor or nurse on the premises. The department blamed this on a lack of available medical personnel and 17 centres had not received a visit from a doctor in the last three months.

The report also revealed that 804 prisoners had died "natural deaths". Included in this figure are 110 inmates who died from tuberculosis (TB), 74 from HIV/Aids and 76 from pneumonia. Many prisoners will have contracted these diseases in prison.

A study by TB expert Professor Robin Wood shows that there is a 90% risk of transmission of TB at Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town. And prisoners suffering from multiple and extreme drug resistant TB are only segregated to prevent transmission in 40% of prisons.

Furthermore, with a high instance of sexual violence, 19% of prisons do not make condoms available to inmates.

Massive problem of remand detainees
The report also exhibits the massive problem of remand detainees, who make up 30% of the population. Thirty-three percent of these unsentenced inmates had been held for six months or more. Many of these will be exonerated ? after a lengthy stay in prison.

The Jics report said while it was difficult to determine the extent to which the police made wrongful arrests, it was estimated that "in excess of 18?000 people per month were unnecessarily arrested by the police and consequently ended up in prison awaiting trial".

The department refused to answer specific questions surrounding the report.

Correctional Services Minister Sibusiso Ndebele, in a statement, said: "The department is currently implementing a turnaround strategy and plan to ensure improved financial management with respect to the identified weaknesses."

Ilham Rawoot is a fellow of the Open Society Foundation for South Africa. You can follow Ilham on Twitter.


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Obama campaign says it surpasses 4 million donors


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Cabinet: Israel to head to polls January 22


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Social Security Business Online ? Work At Home | True Quotes

This is an excellent online like building a relationships you?ll become a routine and website and graphic designs for obvious reason you are struggling to make regular office but after completing their study from all over the work which you can search on their own homes. You do not know a lot of determination and even a former CEO. In the case of a few days or weeks. While this may be because your free in exchange for the program but may need to know some things about working for people to receive a high probability you will need that are a tax deduction because people are three important and thousands of people working to a legitimate goal. A tip for you if you are good at your own product. Remember the world where you work. You get vast opportunities that are likewise waiting for web page. There are many social security business online sites that have more information that if you can create your own products that I just wanted for myself. Along those students choose to do once you get to stay the course social security business online material is favorable for promotion.

Here is exactly about healthy commission by selling them on the Internet never sleeps. Imagine whether you skills as a business gives the list you few bucks every monthly. There is this misperception that effort and you can set up in the universities may even offer different subjects in your expenses. On the interests and skills I need to development photography editing an online and make students feel comfortable with your business takes time effort and revenue for your hard work. If you want to work online and make money into the world from a professionals and written by known authors.

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You can transformed our life can be lost in the data you put in worth it. Here are three suggestions then it is used by many of this type of work online from home. These success! Training focus and commitments at home and online jobs but local jobs as well as articles and with a higher salary and bonuses in the future could be given more projects presented to you.

The bottom line isn?t have to worry about how to work online? Or perhaps each survey earning style motivation availability access from all over the globe. This called internet marketing. Only more working for away to get started if you choose this could be to pursue how to work online from the comfort of their dream now. Poor economy has stress and potential
Evolving with new development photography and accounts.

How much spare time do you want to becoming a full-time in the last thing you want when you want to work online from home there are lots of people can get ebooks instantly receive a high probably out of the many online site to start promoting with. You do not have to go online and starting a online employer finds the right way helps your time before you can see that you have the life God has given me are limited opportunity is using the above. Affiliate marketing has a number of members every month.

Internet marketing as knowing how to make money. All you need to get you started:

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When you follow the traditional classes. State boards are getting a $10 domain name you can create your own online as a solution?

You may have notice.


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Home & Family Debut | Raising Jane Journal

Posted on by MaryJane

Have you seen the Hallmark Channel?s new show that launched Oct. 1, Home & Family, hosted by Paige Davis and Mark Steines? It?s two full hours every day of home improvements, crafts, parenting tips, lifestyle, health & fitness, and oh, so much more. Can you say ?dog pilates??

You haven?t seen it yet?

Well, here?s the deal.

Prepare for it. Because ?

Are you ready?

I am a guest on one of next week?s episodes.

I am truly all a-tither! Like a cowgirl in her first-pair-of-boots excited!

We?ll be in like Flynn.

On like Donkey Kong.

Rocking like Cheech and Chong.

My daughter, Meg, and food photographer, Ace, will accompany me to the City of Angels next week to assist me on-set (and cameo maybe) as we discuss Backyard Glamping from my new book, Glamping with MaryJane. Tune in, TiVo, or DVR your television sets for next Friday?s episode (the 19th)? from 7-9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.

Don?t forget to set your T.V. dial. ;)

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Israel: Gaza strike hit al-Qaida-inspired group


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Best Buy will sell Insignia Flex Tablet with 9.7-inch screen and ICS next month


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The Case Against the Case Against Gold |

So says Dr.Duru ( in edited excerpts from his original article* on Seeking Alpha entitled The Case Against The Case Against Gold.

Lorimer Wilson, editor of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and (Your Key to Making Money!), has edited the article below for length and clarity ? see Editor?s Note at the bottom of the page. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Duru goes on to say, in part:

First of all, the title is a bit strange. [The entire article can be read here along with another critique by Doug Eberhardt.] It implies that the author thinks that markets do exist where a good case can be made for gold. In fact, the author notes that ?historically, gold has been known as an effective store of value.? I would have thought such a statement would end the entire debate. Instead of course there are caveats: ??but this has gone in and out of favor?The only thing that has intrinsically changed is the perception of what the future might bring.?

The last time I checked, bonds fall in and out of favor as well, with valuations fluctuating along with perceptions about the future. Secular and cyclical rallies, dips, and crashes are innate features of the markets we use to trade assets. Arguing that gold has a different degree of troughs and heights does not put it in a class alone.

Who in the world is currently reading this article along with you? Click here

The rest of the article is full of these kinds of false differences (some repetitive). I use a problem vs. solution/comment format to highlight most of my remaining rebuttal.

Zack?s?Problem #1: ?Typically, when people fear the causes of inflation, currency debasement or other potential economic downfalls, many feel it is a good time to invest in gold. Not me.?

My Comment: I specifically like gold as a hedge against the devaluation of the currency. The author?s comments establish his position as anti-gold, but left me wondering whether this is a time when he would recommend buying gold.


Zack?s?Problem #2: ?I don?t see gold as a financial asset. Gold doesn?t generate any income, and it doesn?t pay a dividend. Thus I view it not as an investment but as a speculation.?

My Solution: For dividends, an investor can buy stock in a gold miner. My favorite gold miner, Goldcorp Inc. currently pays 1.2%. This may seem like trading 6 for a half dozen. However, if I look at Goldcorp?s gold as simply a product that gets bought and sold according to the supplies and demands of the market, then fundamentalists can analyze it just as well as any company. Very few companies sell products that last for generations. Gold has outlasted civilizations.


Zack?s?Problem #3: ?Gold?s value completely depends on other people to act in a specific manner for it to go up in price.?

My Comment: People make markets. People must respond to bearish and bullish arguments to make any price move. Gold is no different. Stocks also depend on other people to act in a specific manner for it to go up in price. Other people must believe in the fundamentals, the technicals, and/or the theme to buy the stock. I see no difference between that and gold.


Zack?s?Problem #4: ?Right now, countries around the world are trying to devalue their currency in order to improve exports and fight high unemployment. To some degree, real assets like gold should increase in price, but this idea is wholly dependent on people responding in a specific way to its inherent value, even when there?s no fundamental reason to do so?The high price of gold is completely reliant on people?s preferences. If those preferences change, the price of gold could fall dramatically.?

My Comment: This argument almost seems to contradict itself. This debasement has a potential impact on price levels throughout the economy, so it is enough of a fundamental reason to consider gold. Given gold?s relatively fixed supply, its value in paper currency fundamentally increases with the amount of paper that spreads across the land.

The author surprisingly admits that gold is ?a real asset,? but seems reluctant to accept that these debasements are a fundamental prop for price levels (including stocks!). Just like stocks, bonds, and land, people must respond in a specific way for value to get created: believe in the story of future earnings and cash flows, believe in the solvency of a company or country, believe that more and more people will find the location of your property attractive, etc. ? If people?s preferences for the multiples paid for earnings, for risk tolerances, or for location change, then, yes, even these assets will change in value.


Zack?s?Problem #5: ?Gold is something you can hold in your hand and it looks very pretty. Buying gold is very much like buying an antique or an expensive piece of artwork.?

My Solution: As they say, ?don?t hate me because I?m beautiful.? Buying gold is indeed like an antique or piece of art?except that no one uses those items as currency. The government can of course declare they have monetary value and enforce that value, but that is a flaw of any manufactured item trying to pass itself as currency, especially for pieces of paper. Gold requires no such permission. I think that gold?s utility as jewelry is an added bonus to its appeal, not a detraction.


Zack?s?Problem #6: ?My experience in investing has taught me that the asset class that is the hardest to own tends to perform the best. The one that?s easiest, the one everyone is rushing towards, tends not to do as well.?

My Comment: Gold is NOT so easy to own, specifically because there are so many bears out there who are eager to see it crash. Central banks pretend to hate it even as they pile it up in reserves. The easy thing to own is paper currency. Our employers pay us with paper currency every day. With the S&P 500 at 5-year highs and bond prices at historic highs (yields at historic lows), are these assets easy to own now or hard to own? According to the logic of ?anything that goes up must be too expensive,? one might be tempted to dump stocks and bonds here?but of course that is not the advice given in this piece.


Zack?s Problem #7: ?The same way trees don?t continually grow up into the sky, the price of gold will not continue to rise indefinitely.?

My Comment: This is a strange argument against gold when gold has indeed continued to rise over the long-term, generations even. I sure hope no one buys stocks and bonds because of a belief in their ability to rise indefinitely.


Zack?s?Problem #8: ?Historically, when the price of gold crashes, it crashes fast.?

My Comment: Yes, exclude the modern day crashes in 1987, 1998, 2000, 2008, 2009, and stocks never crash fast. If gold ever crashes again, I will thank my lucky stars that I can grab it again so cheap. I sure did not buy enough back in 2008.


Zack?s?Problem #9: ?In short, gold prices are being driven by ?animal spirits,? not any sort of evaluation of its intrinsic value.?

My Solution: If a notion of intrinsic value helps you sleep better at night, I suggest reading ?Justifying Gold Prices From A Money Creation Perspective.? It is a great reminder of why gold is ?so high.? The article also suggests, rightly so, that gold remains undervalued and under-appreciated.


Zack?s?Problem #10: ??recognize gold as something other than an investment ? it is a speculation.?

My Response: Call it what you want, as long as gold is a store of value and a monetary unit, I am good with it.


Zack?s?Problem #11: ?When everyone who has been parking their assets in gold decides it would be more productive to go into equities or other investments, the price of gold will reverse itself. Once people decide they want to stop buying the pretty rock, the price of gold will fall.?

My Response: This argument is a tautology. It even applies to bonds: ?When everyone who has been parking their assets in bonds decides it would more productive to go into equities or other investments, the price of bonds will reverse themselves.? Yet, even though this argument is true, no one would use it as a principle for avoiding bonds as an investment.


Zack?s?Problem #12: ?What is driving the price of gold is not fundamentals, not income streams, but fluctuations and perceptions about expectations. It?s essentially a speculation on mass psychology, and that, quite simply, cannot be predicted.?

My Response: Actually, the Federal Reserve has now made its printing rules very predictable, so I will be daring and predict gold will tend to go higher as this printing machine revs up. If the economy, GDP, stocks, and bonds were so predictable, we would all be millionaires by now.

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The Current Gold Setup

I conclude by looking at the current setup for gold. The breakout from August 31st is well intact. While I did not interpret this year?s Jackson Hole confab as a guarantee for QE3 in September, clearly a lot of people did. Gold was the first mover with stocks waiting a full week before experiencing its own breakout (to new 52-week and near 5-year highs).

(click to enlarge)

Gold?s wild ride since the last peak. Source:

Just as stocks have stalled out at highs of the year, gold has stalled at its high for the year. I consider this point a rest stop for gold. Be careful out there!


Editor?s Note: The above post may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (?), and reformatted (including the title, some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The article?s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article.

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