Sunday, September 30, 2012

New insights on control of pituitary hormone outside of brain has implications for breast cancer

ScienceDaily (Sep. 30, 2012) ? The hormone prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and then travels via the bloodstream to cells throughout the body, where it exerts multiple reproductive and metabolic effects, most notably on the breast where it is the master regulator of lactation. In recent years researchers have found that prolactin is also produced by some tissues outside the brain, however little is known about the functions of extra-pituitary prolactin or how its production is regulated in these tissues.

Now, the laboratory of Lewis A. Chodosh, MD, PhD, chair of the Department of Cancer Biology at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, reports in Genes & Development that activation of the PI3K-Akt oncogenic signaling pathway in the mammary glands of mice rapidly induces cells in the breast itself to produce prolactin. This, in turn, triggers Stat5 activation, mammary epithelial differentiation and milk production in virgin mice within a matter of hours.

"Remarkably, these changes occur in the absence of any of the complex hormonal changes or developmental programs that normally accompany pregnancy" explains Chodosh.

Consistent with a physiological role for prolactin outside of the brain, the Penn team found that mice bearing mutant Akt genes fail to activate Stat5 or initiate lactation when they give birth due to an inability to synthesize and secrete prolactin in the mammary gland, despite normal levels of circulating prolactin in the blood.

These findings provide the first demonstration that the synthesis and secretion of mammary gland prolactin is regulated by PI3K-Akt signaling and identify a physiological function for extra-pituitary prolactin during a critical developmental stage that is essential for the survival of mammalian offspring.

What's more, prolactin has long been thought to play a role in human breast cancer, however this has typically been assumed to be due to circulating prolactin produced by the pituitary. Since the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway is commonly activated in human cancers, this new finding suggests the important possibility that prolactin produced by the breast itself may play a role in breast cancer. In fact, mammary prolactin has been detected in some human breast cancers. As such, investigators have proposed that prolactin produced by the mammary gland -- rather than by the pituitary -- may play a direct role in the development of breast cancer, for example by providing pro-growth or pro-survival signals to cancer cells in the breast. Accordingly, anti-cancer drugs aimed at blocking the effects of prolactin are currently under development.

"Since the PI3K-Akt pathway is one of the most commonly activated oncogenic pathways in human cancer, its identification as an upstream regulator of prolactin production in the mammary gland has intriguing potential implications for understanding the pathology of human breast cancer and as well as improving its treatment," notes Chodosh.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

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Red Bulls blow out Toronto FC

Associated Press Sports

updated 10:07 p.m. ET Sept. 29, 2012

HARRISON, N.J. (AP) - Kenny Cooper broke out of a bit of a scoring drought, scoring his first two goals since Aug. 19, but the New York Red Bulls striker didn't want to talk about himself. The attention belonged to talented teammate Thierry Henry.

Henry scored a goal and set up three others to lead the Red Bulls to a 4-1 victory over Toronto FC on Saturday night, solidifying their chances to earn an Eastern Conference playoff spot.

"I think he has eyes on the side of his head, the back of his head, all over," Cooper said. "His vision is unbelievable and I don't know how he's able to find me so easily."

Markus Holgersson also scored for the Red Bulls (15-8-8), who pulled even with Chicago for second place in the East - five points behind Sporting Kansas City - and improved to 11-1-3 at home.

So how impressive were Henry's assists?

"I think I could have scored on the two that Kenny got," Red Bulls head coach Hans Backe said. "He was phenomenal. He was flying through the first 45 minutes and set up every goal except his own. It's one of the best games he's had since he's been here. He was incredible with the ball. When he plays like this, when he shines like this, you could say he's the best player in the league."

Luis Robles, making his debut in goal for the Red Bulls, replacing the injured Bill Gaudette, made four saves to earn his first MLS victory.

Ryan Johnson scored in the 6th minute to give Toronto FC (5-19-7) an early lead.

The Red Bulls scored twice in a 14-minute span of the first half to take the lead. Henry hit a perfect corner kick in the 13th minute to the box, where Holgersson headed it home for the equalizer.

"He creates chances from all over," said Holgersson, who scored his third goal of the season. "It's awesome to watch when I'm in the back, but it's better when he's getting it to me to score. The ball came perfectly to me and it was an easy goal. He's amazing. He's just a fantastic player."

In the 27th minute, Henry's pretty heel pass set up Cooper for the go-ahead score.

Henry then made the play to set up the next score, drawing the defenders to him, then finding Cooper in front in the 88th minute. It gave Cooper 16 goals on the season, second in MLS behind San Jose's Chris Wondolowski.

"It's a privilege to have him play alongside of me," Cooper said. "It might have been more difficult for me to miss than to put those two in. He's an exceptional world class player."

Henry now has 12 assists for the season, and he became the first player in franchise history to get three in a match since Andy Williams did it on June 5, 2002, for the MetroStars against Los Angeles. Henry capped the night with his 14th goal from 25 yards out in stoppage time with Cooper getting the assist.

Toronto FC coach Paul Mariner thought that the team's travel - from Toronto to El Salvador for a CONCACAF Champions League contest, then Los Angeles and finally New York - did them in.

"It was a difficult travel week," Mariner said. "We just can't catch a break and it could be that they have quality players. It's probably more of the latter. He (Henry) was dominant on both sides of the ball."

Toronto had an opportunity to take a lead in the very first minute. Quincy Amarikwa broke free on the left flank and took a left-footed shot that eluded Robles but hit the right post.

Five minutes later, Toronto FC was the first to get on the scoreboard, when Johnson scored from 40 yards out that curled into far high left corner of the net, a shot that a stunned Robles never had a chance to stop.

In the 13th minute, Henry took a corner kick that was perfectly placed into the box. Defender Holgersson emerged from the pack in front and re-directed the cross with his head for his third goal of the season to tie the score 1-1.

The Red Bulls had another great chance to score in the 19th minute, when Cooper's left-footed blast was pushed aside by Toronto goalkeeper Freddy Hall.

The Red Bulls scored in the 27th minute when midfielder Lloyd Sam, getting his first MLS start, made a brilliant move with the ball and pushed it ahead to Henry. The Red Bulls' captain then touched the ball with his heel to Cooper, left all alone in front of the net. Cooper converted the easy goal. Cooper later added his 16th goal of the year, moving six behind Wondolowski.

Sam and Henry were masterful throughout the first half with their ball handling, leaving Toronto's defenders befuddled and unable to defend them.

"It was probably the best we've handled the ball all year," Backe said.

Sam had at least three sensational moves with the ball, leading to solid crosses and scoring chances. Sam also made an unbelievable 85-yard run from box-to-box to make a sliding tackle and take away a scoring opportunity in the 50th minute. Sam left in the 58th minute with an injury, replaced by Jan Gunnar Solli.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Netanyahu's bomb steals the show in his UN speech

JERUSALEM (AP) ? When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held up a cartoon-like drawing of a bomb during his speech at the U.N., he set off an explosion of jokes and mockery ? but it also got plenty of attention.

The Bibi Bomb, as it's being called using Netanyahu's nickname, is the latest in a series of props used by the Israeli leader as he tries to keep the global spotlight on Iran's disputed nuclear program.

The image of Netanyahu and the diagram of a bomb with a lighted fuse was top news around the world. Headlines in Europe referred to Netanyahu's "bomb cartoon" and "comic strip."

"How much enriched uranium do you need for a bomb? And how close is Iran to getting it?" Netanyahu asked in his speech Thursday to the U.N. General Assembly. "Well, let me show you. I brought a diagram."

He proceeded to use a marker to draw a red line across what he said was a threshold that Iran was approaching and that Israel could not tolerate ? 90 percent of the way to the uranium enrichment needed to make a nuclear weapon.

Netanyahu is a fan of visual aids. At the U.N. in 2009, he waved the blueprints for the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. For a speech to the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC in March, he brought letters between the World Jewish Congress and the U.S. government written during the Holocaust. Both documents were used to link the Nazis and the possible modern threat of a nuclear-armed Iran.

He also uses props on domestic issues. At a news conference in Jerusalem earlier this year, Netanyahu drew a tree to symbolize the state of Israel. As he explained his economic vision, he added roots, fruit and leaves to represent different facets of society. Journalists in the room chuckled, but the diagram made headlines.

"It's a perfect and extreme example of how politicians and leaders find themselves adapting their modes of communication in order to get the maximum amount of publicity," said Gadi Wolfsfeld, a professor of political communication at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, a college near Tel Aviv.

Within hours of Netanyahu's speech Thursday, the stunt was fodder for jokes.

A "Bibibomb" hashtag made waves on Twitter. Memes of Netanyahu and the bomb diagram surfaced, with the weapon replaced with a photo of President Barack Obama and Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli.

On "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart mocked Netanyahu's simplistic drawing by saying: "Bibi, bubbe. What's with the Wile E. Coyote nuclear bomb?" Stewart then presented his solution to counter such a weapon by holding up a drawing of an equally cartoonish giant magnet.

Barcelona's El Periodico newspaper poked fun at the drawing in a headline that said Netanyahu used "a ridiculous chart" to warn about the advance of Tehran's nuclear program.

Madrid's El Mundo said: "Netanyahu explains the nuclear threat with a comic strip."

Photos of the prime minister and the drawing were in a handful of Austrian newspapers, including The Kurier, headlined: "Netanyahu and the Bomb Cartoon."

But even the mockery was welcomed by Netanyahu's supporters.

The jokes "are maybe part of the success because it was an unforgettable speech that delivered its message," Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told Israel's Channel 2 TV. "Today everyone is talking about it."

It's not the first time that visual aids have been used in a U.N. speech. Displays of aerial photos were used in a 1962 speech by then-U.S. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson on the Cuban missile crisis and satellite imagery was used in a 2003 presentation by then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell to make the case that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

While the simplistic drawing displayed by Netanyahu succeeded in grabbing attention, it's not clear what effect it will have on the international community.

Netanyahu has repeatedly been at odds with world powers over Iran's nuclear program. He has argued that time is running out to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power and that the threat of force must be seriously considered.

While the international community has pushed for diplomacy as a way to dislodge Iran, Netanyahu has prodded world powers to set a red line on Iran. Obama has vowed to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power but has rejected Netanyahu's demands for setting an ultimatum past which the U.S. would attack. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Israel considers a nuclear-armed Iran to be an existential threat, citing Iranian denials of the Holocaust, its calls for Israel's destruction, its development of missiles capable of striking the Jewish state and its support for hostile Arab militant groups. Iran says its nuclear program is for civilian purposes, a claim that is rejected by much of the international community.

Wolfsfeld said the diagram could be viewed as patronizing or insulting by diplomats.

"In this familiar ploy, (Netanyahu) apparently bought himself a respectable spot in the pictures that will appear in American newspapers and on television," columnist Eitan Haber wrote in Friday's Yediot Ahronot newspaper. "But gimmicks and speeches don't destroy the Iranian nuclear threat."


AP writers George Jahn in Vienna and Alan Clendenning in Madrid contributed to this report.


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How to See Uranus in Telescopes This Weekend

The planet Uranus reaches opposition on Saturday (Sept. 29). This means that Uranus is directly opposite the sun in the sky.

Uranus rises will rise as the sun sets, and set as the sun rises. It will be highest in the sky at local midnight, roughly 1 a.m. if you are on Daylight Saving Time.

Uranus was discovered accidentally by William Herschel on the night of March 13, 1781. All the other planets had been known since prehistoric times, so this was a major discovery in its time, and made Herschel famous.

The reason Uranus had remained undiscovered for so long is that, although it is quite large, the third largest planet after Jupiter and Saturn, it is very far away from the sun, so is very dimly lit. If you know exactly where to look, it is just possible to see Uranus with the naked eye, but most of us need binoculars and a good chart to spot it among the thousands of stars of similar brightness.

When Herschel first observed it, he was unsure what he had seen: a nebula, a comet, or a planet. After a night or two, he saw that it had moved, so it couldn?t be a nebula. It didn?t change size or shape, so he knew it wasn?t a comet.

Once the object's orbit was determined, Herschel knew he had found the sun?s seventh planet: 31,763 miles (51,118 km.) in diameter, four times larger than the Earth. It orbits at 19 times the distance from Earth to the sun, twice as far from the sun as Saturn. [Amazing Photos of Uranus]

How to see Uranus

In binoculars, Uranus is indistinguishable from a star. Look for it currently in the constellation Pisces. [Uranus: Inside and Out (Infographic)]

Opposition night is not the best night to look for it, because the full moon will be nearby flooding the sky with light. Look for it instead tonight, or in a week?s time when the moon has moved on.

Don?t try to use Pisces to find it, because this is a dim constellation. Instead, start with the Great Square of Pegasus, a conspicuous large square of stars. This will be in the southern sky (of the Northern Hemisphere) about two thirds of the way from the horizon to directly overhead at local midnight, or in the eastern sky earlier in the evening.

Use the two stars on the left side of the Great Square, Alpheratz and Algenib, and project a line joining them down towards the horizon. At almost exactly the same distance below the bottom star you will see (in binoculars) what looks like a double star. These will be the two brightest ?stars? in this part of the sky.

The star on the left (in the Northern Hemisphere) is 44 Piscium. The ?star? on the right is not a star at all, but the planet Uranus. Pay close attention to the distance between these two objects, and check it again in a night or two. Uranus will have moved away to the right, the distance between star and planet increasing.

In binoculars, Uranus will look just like a star. In a small telescope with about 200x magnification, you will see a tiny blue-green disk. Uranus has 27 known moons, but these are all too tiny to be seen in a small telescope.

Strange Uranus facts

One of the most interesting things about Uranus is the tilt of its axis of rotation. Most planets rotate around a pole which points roughly at right angles to the plane of their orbit.

Uranus? pole is tipped over so that its axis is almost in the same plane as its orbit. As a result, the sun shines almost continuously on the northern half the planet for part of its year, and continuously on the southern half for another part of its year. The result is the most extreme seasonal variation found on any planet in the solar system.

When Herschel discovered Uranus, he needed to find a name for it. This was as big a deal in the 18th century as naming a stadium is today. Knowing who his chief patron was, he decided to name it after his king, George III: Georgium Sidus (George?s Star). Now George III was not very popular outside England, so there was a lot of resistance to this name. Finally Johann Bode suggested that it be named Uranus after the Greek God of the sky, Ouranos, and this was agreed to by all astronomers.

Unfortunately, this name causes pronunciation difficulties for most speakers of the English language. If it?s pronounced "ew-RAY-nus" it provokes laughter from sixth-graders. The alternate pronunciation, "EWR-a-nus" is not much better. Perhaps we should go back to the original Greek pronunciation, "OOR-a-nus."

Editor's note:?If you snap an amazing telescope view of Uranus, or any other night sky object, and would like to share it for a possible story or image gallery, contact managing editor Tariq Malik at?

?This article was provided to by Starry Night Education, the leader in space science curriculum solutions. Follow Starry Night on Twitter @StarryNightEdu.

Copyright 2012, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

PSA: iPhone 5 available in 22 more countries, on Cricket and US regional carriers galore

iPhone 5 side view

Disappointed that your country or favorite carrier missed the initial cut for the iPhone 5 launch? Odds are that you're all good now. Worldwide, 22 more countries have joined the mix as of today, including wide swaths of Europe as well as New Zealand; you'll find the full list in the release here. Americans also don't have to turn to the big carriers, as they can now opt for prepaid carrier Cricket in addition to a slew of extra providers that include C Spire as well as regionals like GCI and nTelos. In some cases, you'll even snag a discount by going with one of the smaller networks. If you bagged an iPhone in Barcelona, or caught one on Cellcom, let others know how it's going in the comments.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

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PSA: iPhone 5 available in 22 more countries, on Cricket and US regional carriers galore originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 28 Sep 2012 16:44:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Earworms and the 'mononymous' phenomenon

Doing a spell-check on a pop singer's name, the Monitor's language columnist is reminded how writers can get words, as well as music, 'stuck' in their ears.

By Ruth Walker / September 28, 2012

Hey, Beyonc?, do you know what they're calling you over at Wikipedia? "Mononymous." No kidding.

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I was looking to confirm the acute accent on the pop singer's final "e" the other day. In the process, I learned that her unusual name comes from her mother's maiden name and was disabused of my vague notion that it is a portmanteau for "beyond outr?."

But what's this "mononymous"? Wikipedia has a whole long article that begins, "A mononymous person is an individual who is known and addressed by a mononym, or 'single name,' " and then goes on to mention people as diverse as Cicero, Napoleon, and ? Beyonc?.

One can imagine a convention of Mononymous Anonymous. The Classical Division ? Socrates, Plato, Aristotle ? would be so busy disputing among themselves they wouldn't see they were blocking the hors d'oeuvres. The Great Painters Division ? Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Titian ? would all gravitate to the north-facing windows. And the 21st-Century Entertainment Division would each expect to be the center of attention, as only a 21st-century mononymous person can.

I could also imagine Oprah trying to get Socrates as a guest on one of her talk shows, and then seeing the deal founder when Socrates insists on asking all the questions.

Why am I stuck on this odd word I'd never heard of until I went searching for that acute accent? Maybe because I've long thought the right term for single-namers is uninomial, which I picked up from a piece in The New Yorker years ago. It was an airy observation, back in 1975, that "Halston, the uninomial clothes designer, has launched a collection of men's clothing."

Mononymous is from Greek, whereas uninomial is from Latin, if it's a word at all, which is unclear. Even my computer thinks I mean uninominal (a legislative system in which each district elects a single member, as in the US House of Representatives) and keeps autocorrecting me like a too-clever-by-half pet monkey.

But if writers experience language as a form of music ? as this one does ? then they are susceptible to getting words stuck in their ears the way others get tunes stuck.

Earworm, as a term for this phenomenon, goes back to 1987, according to Paul McFed?ries's website "Word Spy." He explains the term as a literal borrowing from the German Ohrwurm. "Sticky tune" or "cognitive itch" are synonyms, and the Portuguese, he adds, use a term that means "ear chewing gum."

The sticking power of mononymous is enhanced, if that's the word, by its sonic proximity to "Manamana." This nonsense song, whose title seems to have various spellings, was originally part of the soundtrack for a racy Italian movie in the 1960s, but then, after who knows what process of vector transmission, popped up in the cultural sphere of "Sesame Street" and the Muppets. Sic transit gloria mundi, as one of the Latin-speaking mononyms might put it.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

BlueStacks and AMD Bring 500,000 Android Apps to Windows 8

BlueStacks and AMD are bringing 500,000 Android apps to Windows 7 and future Windows 8 PCs.


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UK court issues injunction in radical cleric case

LONDON (AP) ? A British court issued an interim injunction Wednesday blocking the extradition of a radical cleric to the United States on terror charges, granting a court hearing for an appeal.

Mustafa Kamal Mustafa ? who is better known as Abu Hamza al-Masri ? challenged his extradition on charges that include helping set up a terrorist training camp in rural Oregon. The appeal marked yet another legal twist in a case that has wound its way through the courts for eight years.

Khaled Al-Fawwaz, a second terror suspect, has also mounted a legal challenge before Britain's High Court.

Britain's Home Office immediately challenged the appeals.

Judicial authorities said in a statement that a hearing would be held Tuesday to consider the two men's applications. Sonn Macmillan Walker, a London law firm representing al-Masri, declined to provide details "given the sensitive nature of this matter."

The grounds of al-Masri's appeal were not immediately clear, but it was certain to stoke an ongoing debate in Britain about extradition laws. Critics have charged that the country's laws allow litigants to drag out their cases for years.

Lawyer Karen Todner, an extradition specialist, said the men would have to show the judge evidence of a new argument that had not been previously considered.

"They could only have gone back to court on a new matter that wasn't apparent before, such as a new health situation," she said.

The appeals follow a European court decision Monday that was believed to have cleared the way for the cleric's extradition and that of four other suspects after an eight-year legal battle.

The Egyptian-born former nightclub bouncer, who claimed he lost his eye and hands fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, used north London's Finsbury Park Mosque as a base to persuade young Muslims to take up the cause of holy war. The mosque was once attended by Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui and "shoe bomber" Richard Reid.

After the Sept. 11 terror attacks, the cleric praised Osama bin Laden and declared "many people will be happy, jumping up and down at this moment." He is wanted in the U.S. on multiple terrorism-related charges, including assisting in the taking of 16 hostages ? including two American tourists ? in Yemen in 1998 and conspiring to set up a terrorist training camp in Bly, Oregon, between 2000 and 2001.

He is serving a jail sentence in Britain on separate charges of inciting hatred.


Associated Press writer Sylvia Hui contributed to this report.


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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Judge tosses Wisconsin union reform: Why judges are dismantling the GOP agenda

A judge has ruled against Wisconsin?s controversial collective bargaining law. Across the country, state and federal judges are weighing whether the 2010 Republican surge led to legislative overreach.

By Patrik Jonsson,?Staff writer / September 15, 2012

Teachers rally at the Wisconsin state Capitol in Madison Friday. A state judge has ruled that the state's controversial collective bargaining law violates workers? equal rights under the Constitution.

M.P. King/Wisconsin State Journal/AP


A year after Wisconsin exploded in protest over Republican legislation to gut collective bargaining for public employees, a Wisconsin judge has nullified the law, ruling on Friday that it violates workers? equal rights under the Constitution.

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Those dramatic union reforms and the political theater it sparked last year turned Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker into a Republican hero and helped balance the state?s budget.

The new rules, which curtailed bargaining rights for most unionized public employees, also sparked protests and sit-ins at the Wisconsin capitol and resulted in a major recall effort that Walker survived earlier this year, all of which seemed to cement majority political agreement with the Republican political agenda.

RECOMMENDED:?A primer on labor unions' clout in America

With its focus on a signature Republican law, Friday?s ruling also highlights a series of state and federal rulings over the last year that have turned back major tenets of a Republican agenda fueled by the massive electoral victories the party brought home in November 2010, when it took over the House of Representatives and won nine governorships. Subsequently, a large number of state voter ID laws, immigration laws, and redistricting laws passed by Republicans since 2010 have faltered, or failed, in the courts.

There are notable exceptions. A Pennsylvania judge, for example, upheld that state?s tough Republican-backed voter ID law, and federal judges have largely allowed a central tenet ? the so-called ?papers please? provisions ? passed by states in the wake of Arizona?s SB1070 law, while striking down other parts of those laws.

But from Florida to Texas, the court rejections of conservative laws, shows that the Republican revolution of 2010 has underscored political ?overreach? by Republican majorities that courts have little choice but to dismantle, Rice University political scientist Mark Jones told the San Antonio Express-News this week.

Prof. Jones goes on to say that that ?hubris or ignorance? by Republican majorities has already had more serious backlash for the party?s legislative agenda.

In Texas, for example, a ruling by a panel of federal judges this month that a redistricting map had ?discriminatory intent? against the booming Hispanic population?s voting power reconfirmed for many that Texas is not ready to be released from the strictures of the Voting Rights Act.

Republicans acknowledge that they are pushing the envelope, but disagree that what they see as a mandate from voters constitutes overreach.


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What is Day trading investing?

Trading, or higher particularly daytrading, is the buying and selling of gives of shares, options, commodities, and other monetary instruments, everyday and get revenue from the difference between the buying and selling prices. Throughout day trading, buyers will acquire shares then sell these same gives on that same day, getting profits in the process. This is fully different from other kinds of investing in the sense that investors won?t hold on to the actual stocks these people purchased on that day and dispose of these shares before the shut of investing of that day. This is a investing style that will need complete knowledge of the actual financial market, but with the help of the internet having access to market files will not be not possible.

Day trading buyers also have diverse trading styles in the sense that some will accomplish only temporary trades exactly where they will merely hold on to their own shares purchased for a few moments and dispose these right after they acquire good reveal prices Online Trading. Another style of reveal trading on that day traders accomplish is to keep hold of their choices throughout the investing day, nevertheless dispose these kinds of before the shut of investing. Investors will certainly just observe how the industry is doing making the proceed when there are already profits in sight. However, it doesn?t always be revenue all the way with there being also bad days. For that reason an investor has got to get a good understanding of the market, to get good results in his investing.

There are several monetary instruments on that day traders can negotiate inside a full day?s trading, that are all available in the stock market. Numerous stock exchanges around the world also offer these kinds of different types of monetary options to prospective investors. Day traders can trade on commodities, commodities, currencies, shares, and other choices which they feel they can incorporate some gains on that exact same day Stock Market.Day traders handle brokers that people do the trades in most stock exchanges they?ve access and also with different market segments they have direct access to. Some may think when these day traders are actually having the revenue they acquire with merely a day of investing, but they are actually, although it might not be everyday.

People doing daytrading may not be coping directly inside the stock market, and they?re going to just do it through their own brokers, however they have to be familiar with all actions and have in mind the market well. The dealer will help the obtaining shares, shares, securities, and other financial choices, and he will certainly facilitate every one of these and behave as middleman involving his client and the owner of these monetary instruments.

Broker agents will contact their client investors because the transactions won?t be held overnight. Before the stop of investing day they?ll make sure that all their own financial choices will be got rid of off sufficient reason for profits received. The experienced share brokers are very well versed over these things and they also know perfectly how to buy low and sell large, to get the revenue after the day?s investing.

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Patio Debacle Progress

Posted at September 14, 2012 by NavyGirl

The work began on our patio remodel this week.? Here?s the fun so far:

The carpenters came on Thursday and removed the old supports that held up the deck.

Now the deck has temporary supports while the patio is being worked on.? No deck parties for the foreseeable future!

The first landscaping casualties were a couple of the decorative walking stones near the house.? They had to be removed to make way for more supports.

Friday, the real demolition began.? A huge bulldozer (? is that what it?s called? I don?t have small boys who are always reading construction books so I?m a little rusty on my trucks), broke up the patio.? I was sitting in the basement watching the process, and holding my breath the entire time praying that the machine arm didn?t come swinging through any of the windows!

A very loud, messy process.? All the broken concrete was thrown in a dump truck (parked on our lawn)

Getting ready to install the helical piers that will support the new patio.

I *think* this is the helical pier being installed.? It was a father/son team here today, and the wife showed up around 5pm to deliver more parts the guys needed.

And this is what we had at the end of the day.? Like many home improvement projects, it always looks worse before it looks better! :)

Oh, my poor poor lawn.? Such abuse you had to take to make this project possible.

Again, I *think* this is the mythical helical pier that I?ve been hearing about all summer.

More work to come next week, and hopefully we?ll be on the upswing where there?s improvement instead of destruction.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kathy Bates Recovering After Double Mastectomy

Misery and Harry’s Law actress Kathy Bates has updated fans on her health status since having a double mastectomy. Taking to Twitter this past Wednesday to share the good news that she’ll be sticking around for a long time to come, Kathy Bates has finally broken her silence after going quiet this past May following the cancellation of Harry’s Law on NBC and her diagnosis with cancer. Hey All, sorry for the long silence. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 months ago & am recovering from a double mastectomy. I don?t miss my breasts as much as I miss Harry?s Law.? Thanks for all the sweet tweets. Y?all kept me going.? The news of Bates beating cancer comes for the second time around.? The 64 year-old was previously diagnosed back in 2003 with ovarian cancer. This time she won?t have to deal with radiation or chemotherapy she informed People Magazine. Now that she?s back in the swing of things Bates is rumored to be working on the 2012 movie production of ?Starbright? in the role of Rachel. The fantasy is scheduled for a December 2013 release and follows ?young orphan escapes the realities of her life by fantasizing about [...]


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Friday, September 14, 2012

Speed Reading Acceleration Secrets Course, Self Help

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    The Beauty of Me (LIVE READING) by The Refined Poet - Therefinedpoet (Music Video)

    The Beauty of Me (LIVE READING) by The Refined Poet - Therefinedpoet (Music Video)

    Inspiration: Poem relating the extreme conceit of some people. We all should be on guard against worshipping the idol of self and demanding others to be converts. Based upon Proverbs 18:2 - Before destruction the heart of man is proud, but before honor is humility. ~TRP~-The Beauty of Me (LIVE READING) by The Refined Poet
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    Submitted By: Muzu
    Tags: Muzu Music Therefinedpoet Gospel The Beauty Of Me Live Reading By The Refined Poet
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    Submitted By: rosslusghe
    Tags: Brain Training Zox Memory Speed Reading Mental Photography Attraction Mind Power Program Make Money Fast Home Self Improvement Mind Development Brain Training Games Brains Brain Games Online Brain Training
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    Siri Tried to Kill Me!

    Siri Tried to Kill Me!

    DELETED SCENE & BLOOPERS: Ian is annoyed with how obsessed Anthony is with Siri, so he throws it at a wall. Siri begins to feel different. ------------------------------------ Hey it's our very own website: Oh and our Facebook page: Want to know when we're filming and/or pooping? Now you can:
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    The Andromeda Strain (1971): Fingerprint

    The Andromeda Strain (1971): Fingerprint

    The clip fingerprint from The Andromeda Strain (1971) What you said before, you don't believe the infection in that capsule was brought back deliberately, do you? Skip it. I hope I'm talking through my hat. Put your hands on that glass, palms down. It's a finger and palm print analyzer. It... Reads a composite of 10,000 dermatographic lines. How'd you know that? Oh, Dutton, I have a long criminal record. Then you're in trouble. This machine has a long memory. It gives you final clearance to enter Wildfire. Isothermal reading for M.C. Levels 4 and 5... is Z.B. And R.A. Over 2.9. How's Piedmont? I had to order up a 7-12. How are you, Ruth? No other way to halt the infection spread. Oh. Oh, you two know each other, don't you? By reputation only. Ah, yes, up to now we've had to worship from afar. Be good, Ruth. Any messages for me from the White House? Not a thing, Dr. Stone, or you'd have it. No personal messages? No, ma'am. Nothing from Dr. Robertson? Are you sure, Sergeant? Dr. Stone, sir, I have one thing to do. Just one. Everything else is fully automatic, computerized and self-regulating. I... I listen for a little bell in here. Ding-a-ling. That means a message coming in is for the Wildfire Team. Precisely! An M.C.N. Communication. I'm expecting one. Yes, sir! Top priority. Ding-a-ling. I push a button... and all five level control centers are notified the same time you are. The bell hasn't rung, sir. Thanks for the tour, Sergeant. Dr. Dutton. Thank you.
    Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 7 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: AnyClip
    Tags: The Andromeda Strain (film) Fingerprint AnyClip
    Categories: Entertainment

    I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007): Flirting with Brianna

    I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007): Flirting with Brianna

    The clip flirting with Brianna from I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007) Hey man, don't bogart all that doobage. It's not pot. De je ton. Je ton! Oh je do de ton on. Oh thank heavens for the little girls. (Babbling in fake French) ...A white Zinfandel... Hello. What is... Wow how do you get that job? What's this? The way those two keep running off the AD's thought it'd be easier to listen to where they are. Sounds like Adam likes Bree. This isn't very nice. I am so sick of reading about Meisha, and Lindsey, and Katie. Yeah. Now they're all getting better parts. Yeah. Soon the whole yum girl faze is going to be over. And it kills me. I mean I was a teenage girl before any of them. Bree, I should be playing... we're jumping ahead to the beach party scene. Oh oh, I get to wear my pretty bikini. Did I ever tell you you have the body of a 29 year old? Oh. Really? I hope you plan to take advantage of it. I gotta go. I can't let you go. No, but I must. You have to go. Go. But I can't do it! But you have to go. You have to... I can't go. But you must! All right. Your work is bigger than the both of us. After all the prom episode isn't going to produce it self. I gotta go. All right. We can continue this later. OK. You're done for today. Really? My car's still in the shop. Take mine. I'll bring it back before you leave. OK. You go girl.
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    Submitted By: AnyClip
    Tags: I Could Never Be Your Woman Flirting With Brianna AnyClip
    Categories: Entertainment

    Possession (2002): Reading Lost Letters

    Possession (2002): Reading Lost Letters

    The clip reading lost letters from Possession (2002) Look at this. We've got Ash and Christabel's letters here. Look. Come here. Listen. What? "Dear Miss LaMotte: : "It was a great pleasure to talk to you... "at dear Crabb-Robinson's party. "May I hope that you too enjoyed our talk. And may I have the pleasure of calling on you." She says, "No, but you may write. "Would you rather not have a letter, however imperfect, "than a plate of cucumber sandwiches, "however exquisitely fine cut? Know you would, and so would I." "I was entranced and moved by your brief portrait of your father." "I write nonsense, but if you can't write again, "you shall have a sober essay on what you will. "Yours to command in some things. "Where I was born, Christabel Lamotte." "was a small place too. "Not like this. Not bare. 'A brilliant, dusty hutch of mystery"... is a cabinet of curiosities. What did my eyes first light on? I am a creature of my pen. My pen is the best part of me. I send you now two more poems. I eagerly read your mythic tales of mire... and found them both charming and sad. Your verse is rich, but perhaps the metaphor is richer. Dear Mr. Ash: : I live circumscribed and self-communing. It is best so. Not like a princess in the thicket, more like a spider in her web. "Inclined to snap at visitors or trespassers, "not perceiving the distinction until too late. Thus, it is unwise to call."
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    Submitted By: AnyClip
    Tags: Possession (2002 Film) Reading Lost Letters AnyClip
    Categories: Entertainment

    Sophie's Choice (1982): Reading Stingo's Novel

    Sophie's Choice (1982): Reading Stingo's Novel

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    Submitted By: AnyClip
    Tags: Sophie's Choice Reading Stingo's Novel Kevin Kline Peter MacNicol AnyClip
    Categories: Entertainment

    Primary Colors (1998): a Tour in Adult School

    Primary Colors (1998): a Tour in Adult School

    The clip a tour in adult school from Primary Colors (1998) The walls are pretty bad, but the library is much, um... Better. Yes, yes. We're very proud of the library. When did you start the reading program? Three years ago. We have very little money. It's the only reading program like it in Harlem I know of. There may be others, but I don't,... Know of them. You okay? Are you okay? I'm fine. I'm Ruby. I'm a domestic. I've been in this class 2 months. Jack Washington. I'm a handyman. Hello, Jack. Twana Carter, waitress... Good to meet you. Anthony Ramirez, freelance carpenter. I wanted to say welcome aboard. What? I'm not on board. I just... You're kidding, right? Yeah. Tell the governor a bit about yourself, Dewayne. I'm a short order chef. And until I come here, I couldn't read a lick. Dewayne's dyslexic. They just kept passing me up. Third grade, fourth grade. I just sit the back, sticking to my own self. It was like no one noticed. And I went all the way through and graduated elementary school. They sent me to Ben Franklin... that's general studies. They could have sent me to the Bronx Zoo. No one ever said: "Dewayne, you can't read. What will you do with... your sorry ass?" Excuse-me. Anyway, graduation come and my mama come. She took the day off from the laundry where she worked. So, we're there... Dr. Dalembretti calls out the names on the diplomas... and what each kid done. Like "Sharonna Harris, honors. "
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    Submitted By: AnyClip
    Tags: Primary Colors A Tour In Adult School AnyClip
    Categories: Entertainment

    WinkBall Talks to New Found Glory Fans

    WinkBall Talks to New Found Glory Fans

    Formed in 1997, New Found Glory found fame with the release of debut album, ?Nothing Gold Can Stay? in 1999 and their critically acclaimed self-titled album ?New Found Glory? in 2000. The American alternative pop-punk band have released a further five albums since, with their latest ?Radiosurgery? being showcased on their latest UK tour. The five piece band are scheduled to appear at Reading and Leeds Festival this summer and added extra UK tour dates, performing for their followers at Electric Ballroom on Tuesday, 23rd August. Playing hits such as ?My Friends Over You? and ?Head Collision? the fans gave WinkBall their review of the night!-WinkBall talks to New Found Glory fans
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    Submitted By: Muzu
    Tags: Muzu Music New Found Glory Winkball Talks To New Found Glory Fans
    Categories: Music & Dance

    Karate Clubs Reading - Thames Valley Taekwon-Do

    Karate Clubs Reading - Thames Valley Taekwon-Do

    Thames Valley Taekwon-Do & Korean Kick Boxing offers self defence & fitness for all age groups find more out at
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    Submitted By: touchlocalvideos
    Tags: Karate Clubs Reading Self Defense Classes Kids Kickboxing Taekwondo Martial Arts
    Categories: Cool Commercials

    Mindless Short Stories, Book Trailer Live Action

    Mindless Short Stories, Book Trailer Live Action

    Trailer for the book, "Mindless Short Stories." Scene from "The Man of Glass."
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    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: Books Trailers Mindless Short Stories J.N-Turner For Horror Teaser Horror Movie Reading Self Photography Official Environment Comics Library Montage UFO Writing Official Trailer Action Drama Author Teaser Trailer
    Categories: Entertainment



    In 1991, Raymond De Felitta was listening to a Jazz station and heard a singer by the name of Jackie Paris. Entranced by his style and technique, De Felitta began researching Paris. He learned Paris had opened for Lenny Bruce, that his voice was admired by among others, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat Cole and Sarah Vaughn. However, his research abruptly ended when he read in The Biographical Dictionary of American Music, that Paris had died in 1977. De Felitta thought that was the end of the story but one night in March of 2004, he was reading the New Yorker Magazine and saw an advertisement listing Paris' comeback at the Jazz Standard. Stunned, he wondered where had Paris been all these years, what had come of his life and why had a singer of this talent fallen into such obscurity. `Tis Autumn - The Search For Jackie Paris is not just a documentary about a great but unheralded jazz singer. It's a film that explores the very nature of what it is to live the life of an artist--any artist. Filmmaker Raymond De Felitta examines the life of cult favorite jazz singer Jackie Paris, but at the same time he might as well be exploring the life of any artist in any discipline, too many of whom share the same fate that Paris did the explosive debut followed by the years of ups and downs, the constant hope that success, though out of reach, is around the corner, the private tragedies that grow out of artistic frustration, and the final, self-inflicted wounds which all too often cause the once promising to descend into bitterness and chaos, a prelude to vanishing completely. Working with rare found footage and new interviews with jazz legends such as Billy Taylor, George Wein, Mark Murphy and Ruth Price, as well as the final concert footage and last interviews Jackie Paris ever gave -- De Felitta constructs an emotional mystery story which asks the question, who or what is to blame when a great talent goes from sensation to footnote during their life span?
    Ranked 3.50 / 5 | 193 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: videodetective
    Tags: Movie Trailers Movie Trailers 'tis Autumn: The Search For Jackie Paris Jackie Paris Raymond De Felitta Documentaries Outsider Pictures
    Categories: Entertainment

    How to Increase Your Vocabulary

    How to Increase Your Vocabulary

    Follow these tips to learn how to increase your vocabulary.
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    Submitted By: Howcast
    Tags: HotHowTos Mind Body Self-improvement Personal Growth Reading Vocabulary Words Dictionaries
    Categories: How To

    I'm Happy! Good News, Problem Solved, New Vid Soon!

    I'm Happy! Good News, Problem Solved, New Vid Soon!

    Things are looking up! The naruto filler is over. The summations video is coming up so stay tuned!
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    Submitted By: algorithm_guy
    Tags: Algorithms Math Reading Software Programming Health Family Privacy Self Hypnosis Meditation Repressed Memory Phobia Inexplicable Fear Miracles Announcement
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    How To Double Your Information Intake & Action

    How To Double Your Information Intake & Action

    Here is a simple way to double - in less than a week - the amount of information you can read - process - and then ACT upon. It will change your life.
    Ranked 3.42 / 5 | 84 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (03:03)
    Submitted By: Joel Mark Witt
    Tags: Books Information Action Reading. Marketing Internet Business Self Help
    Categories: How To

    Book Video Trailer: Charlie

    Book Video Trailer: Charlie

    At least five percent of the world's population is affected by dyslexia, and, called dumb at school for his inability to concentrate on reading, Charlie is all too familiar with the ridicule that dyslexic children suffer at the hands of others. Written by an expert on learning disabilities, Charlie: A Boy With Reading Difficulties And His Dream uncovers the incredible challenges and potential of millions of people just like Charlie, encouraging them that they aren?t alone, and teaching sensitivity about all learning disorders to educators, children, and parents.
    Ranked 5.00 / 5 | 65 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: GWExtra
    Tags: Charlie Vassiliki Plomaritou Outskirts Press Reading Dyslexia Self Publishing Ghostwriter Extraordinaire Gwe
    Categories: Entertainment

    Reading Genius 1

    Reading Genius 1

    Reading Genius 1
    Ranked 3.12 / 5 | 823 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: chuyiu
    Tags: Reading Genius Faster Smarter Smart Bright Wpm Improvement Self Help Interesting Exciting SpeedReading Speed Reading PhotoReading Photo Reading
    Categories: How To Science & Tech

    AMAZING! Learn How To Make MONEY From Reading Part 2

    AMAZING! Learn How To Make MONEY From Reading Part 2 Email: phone: 704.315.5110 In this video learn how to create ads that sells and have your phone ringing of the hook. Easy as simply 1,2,3...
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    Click here to watch the video (07:05)
    Submitted By: Dream Team
    Tags: Self Help Lopaze Ads Network Marketing Christian MLM Make Money Fast From Home Business Free Mentors
    Categories: How To

    Book Video Trailer: My Reading Corner

    Book Video Trailer: My Reading Corner

    A stirring collection of short stories by Gail Gunter, exploring the full spectrum of human emotion, including everything from love to heartbreak to betrayal to lasting peace of mind.
    Ranked 2.72 / 5 | 241 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (01:13)
    Submitted By: GWExtra
    Tags: Reading Corner Gail Gunter Short Stories Outskirts Press Self Publishing Ghostwriter Extraordinaire
    Categories: Entertainment

    Food Cancer Memory

    Food Cancer Memory
    Ranked 2.57 / 5 | 784 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: funzo234
    Tags: Whole Food Cancer Memory DonTolman Revolution Photos Reading Plants Raw Globalintegrated Organic Health Self Care
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